
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

See What Victor Nwogu Has To Say About Love.

It can be felt but difficult to explain.

A lot of people try to shy away from talking about love for many reasons. The first may be that they are ignorant of the meaning. The second reason may be that they see it as a subject for teenagers.
The third reason may be as a result of the repeated heartbreak and rejection that they have experienced or seen others pass through. Lastly, the essence of love seems very difficult to unravel or fathom.  But is it not because a lot of people hardly know about what love means that they are cajoled as pantaloons by clowns in the name of love?

The Greeks divided love into three categories: Eros (romantic love), Philia (fondness for something), and Agape (unconditional love). The predominant thought about love in our contemporary society mooches so much around romance. But that is not the only type of love. This is the reason why love has been misconstrued to mean sex. Sex has even been dubbed “making love.” How can love be made, for goodness sake? This poses a great threat to the origin of love – literally, if love can be made through sex, then the origin of love is sex. Love is far deeper than all that is sensual. This phrase has led to a wide misunderstanding especially among young people. We will come back to the origin of love later.

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