
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Top 100 Universities In America-2010

Following is the list of Top 100 Universities in USA. Ranking is based on 3 factors as listed below: 1. Social Mobility (recruiting and graduating low-income students) 2. Research (producing cutting-edge scholarship and PhDs), 3. Service (encouraging students to give something back to their country) Top 100 Universities in USA 1. Univ. of California, San Diego 2. University of California, Berkeley 3. Univ. of California, Los Angeles 4. Stanford University (CA) 5. University of Texas, Austin 6. University of California, Davis 7. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 8. Syracuse University (NY) 9. Harvard University (MA) 10. College of William and Mary (VA) 11. Univ. of California, Santa Barbara 12. University of Chicago 13. U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 14. South Carolina State University 15. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 16. University of Washington 17. Case Western Reserve Univ. (OH) 18. Rutgers, St. U. of N.J., Newark 19. Georgetown University (DC) 20. Texas A&M U., Col. Station 21. Dartmouth College (NH) 22. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 23. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison 24. Princeton University (NJ) 25. Rice University (TX) 26. SUNY Col. of Envir. Sci. & For. (NY) 27. U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 28. Tennessee State University 29. Duke University (NC) 30. University of Rochester (NY) 31. Fordham University (NY) 32. Marquette University (WI) 33. Yale University (CT) 34. University of Pennsylvania 35. Pennsylvania State U., University Park 36. Washington University in St. Louis 37. Vanderbilt University (TN) 38. Cornell University (NY) 39. Univ. of Southern California 40. Univ. of California, Riverside 41. California Institute of Technology 42. University of Florida 43. U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities 44. University of Virginia 45. Jackson State University (MS)* 46. Ohio State Univ., Columbus 47. New York University 48. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 49. Michigan State University* 50. University of California, Irvine 51. Clark University (MA) 52. Virginia Tech 53. Tufts University (MA) 54. Iowa State University 55. University of San Diego 56. Widener University (PA) 57. University of Notre Dame (IN) 58. Rutgers, St. U. of N.J., New Brun. 59. Boston College 60. Tulane University (LA) 61. Clark Atlanta University (GA) 62. Clemson University (SC) 63. Brown University (RI) 64. Georgia Institute of Technology 65. Northwestern University (IL) 66. St. John’s University (NY) 67. Columbia University (NY) 68. University of Idaho* 69. Azusa Pacific University (CA) 70. Howard University (DC) 71. George Washington Univ. (DC) 72. Duquesne University (PA) 73. University of San Francisco 74. Florida A&M University 75. Wake Forest University (NC) 76. N.C. State Univ., Raleigh 77. University of Dayton (OH) 78. Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (NY) 79. SUNY, Binghamton (NY)* 80. Clarkson University (NY) 81. Miami Univ., Oxford (OH)* 82. Brandeis University (MA) 83. Purdue U., W. Lafayette (IN)* 84. Colorado State University* 85. Spalding University (KY) 86. American University (DC) 87. Emory University (GA) 88. North Carolina A&T State Univ. 89. St. Louis University 90. Loyola University Chicago 91. U. of Maryland, College Park 92. Univ. of Missouri 93. U. of California, Santa Cruz 94. University of Georgia 95. University of Arizona 96. Univ. of S.C., Columbia 97. University of Connecticut 98. Polytechnic Inst. of New York U. 99. SUNY, Stony Brook (NY) 100. University of Memphis Above rankings as part of Washington Monthly rankings for Top 100 Universities in USA (National Universities) Read more:

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